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Matt O’Brien is a Los Angeles based Comedian that has been featured on MTV, Variety, TBS, Comedy Network, CBC, Odd Squad on PBS, MuchMusic, and San Francisco Sketchfest.
He performed his own hour long special on The Comedy Network in Canada, and in 2017 he performed his third TV gala at the Just For Laughs festival in Montreal.
He is the winner of SiriusXM Radio’s Top Comic, and was recently nominated for Best Break Out Artist at the Canadian Comedy Awards and Best Comedian by COCA (Canadian Organization of Campus Activities).
He was a Just For Laughs correspondent for Comedy Network interviewing the likes of Judd Apatow, Maria Bamford, Seth Rogan and Colin Mochrie.
His debut album “Live in a basement in front of 20 people” hit #1 on the iTunes Comedy charts.
He also hosts and films his own YouTube talk show “Late Night Talk Show on a Subway” that recently featured Scott Thompson of Kids in the Hall.